tag:diddlydoodles.co.uk,2013:/posts Diddly Doodles 2023-12-29T09:36:10Z tag:diddlydoodles.co.uk,2013:Post/491044 2012-11-30T22:13:00Z 2013-10-08T17:06:37Z #59 On a day trip to saturn

This is Ayla and she is a space cat fairy who is on a day trip to Saturn. When she arrives she meets two friendly aliens who come and say hello. The big green alien is called Duker and his friend is called Ola. They decide to play a really cool game called Crater jumping. Ayla jumped from crater to crater and was winning by a mile until she was distracted by a fiery comet flying through the stars. Ayla skidded and slipped, landing in the mucky space dust....."Yuck!!!!".  Duker the alien laughed and laughed and shouted "my turn next!".... 

tag:diddlydoodles.co.uk,2013:Post/491045 2012-11-22T21:58:00Z 2023-12-29T09:36:10Z #58 Bert vs the vampire....

There once was a very frightening vampire who scared everyone he met. One day he was out causing mischief when he met a mighty magician called Bert. Bert wasn't scared of this vampire one little bit and decided to teach him a lesson, so he turned him into a chicken. Now instead of biting people with his scary teeth all he does is look very silly, cluck and lay eggs.

tag:diddlydoodles.co.uk,2013:Post/491048 2012-11-16T16:37:00Z 2013-10-08T17:06:37Z #57 Chilli has an accident Once upon a time there was a girl called Emma and she had a best friend called Chilli, Chilli was a very friendly monster that just laughed and laughed and laughed all the time, he really was the friendliest monster you could ever meet. He laughed at everything especially when Emma pulled silly faces and jumped on his head. One day Emma jumped so much Chilli had a giggling fit and wet himself. "Ha Ha He He.... Oppps" said Chilli, "I'm staying up here" said Emma.

tag:diddlydoodles.co.uk,2013:Post/491050 2012-11-07T18:00:00Z 2013-10-08T17:06:37Z #56 Miss Melana meets an upset ant

Miss Melana was walking on the grass in her lovely sunny garden when she saw a lovely pinky-blue flower and thought it will look beautiful in her kitchen. She started to bend down and pick it when she suddenly heard a funny squeaky sound that seemed louder and louder the closer she got..... Melana looked around and spotted a tiny ant standing right next to the flower. He was jumping up and down, Up and down and looked really quite upset. "I hope your not thinking of picking my lovely flower" said the ant in a tiny squeaky voice. "errm well yes" said Melana who was stunned because she had never heard an ant say anything before. The ant replied "I don't normally talk to humans, especially big ones with funny red hair, but me and the all the other ants love this flower... and it’s not for picking!!!!"


tag:diddlydoodles.co.uk,2013:Post/491053 2012-11-04T15:48:00Z 2013-10-08T17:06:37Z #55 Pinky Hops and Jumps

tag:diddlydoodles.co.uk,2013:Post/491057 2012-10-20T22:30:00Z 2013-10-08T17:06:37Z #54 A Cheese chasing a mouse chasing a cat

This was the last picture I drew before our house was burnt and everything covered in smoke, which is why its so dark even though the sun is shining. Its about a large slice of smelly mean cheese who has had enough of all those pesky nibbling mice and is determined to run them out of town. The cool cat who normally does all the chasing, runs away aswell  The mouse floating down on the parachute can't believe what he is seeing and wishes he was still far up in the air and going to land someplace where cheese didn't have legs.....

tag:diddlydoodles.co.uk,2013:Post/491060 2012-10-18T19:28:00Z 2013-10-08T17:06:37Z # 53 Super honey flies to the stars

My best bear Mr Honey is no ordinary bear.... he's also SUPER HONEY!!!!! He wears a cool red mask and cape and can fly as fast as a rocket. He tells me lots of stories about all the adventures he goes on, yesterday he said that he flew so high that he reached the stars!!!. He said it was a lovely view, but didnt stay long as he had forgotten his heated underpants and found space really quite cold..... even with all his fur. 

tag:diddlydoodles.co.uk,2013:Post/491062 2012-10-17T13:09:00Z 2013-10-08T17:06:37Z #52 Lady with love in her eyes

This lady is called Mindy and she is in love. I don't know what she has fallen in love with, but it must be something cool like a lovely new pink scooter, a new Barbie doll or a fluffy puppy.

tag:diddlydoodles.co.uk,2013:Post/491065 2012-08-01T11:30:00Z 2013-10-08T17:06:37Z #51 Daisy takes her flower garden wherever she goes!!!

Daisy's hair is in full bloom and she is very happy to see all the wonderful colourful flowers growing out of her head. She has just watered and feed them with her favorite yellow watering can and is now off to the garden centre to have her flowery hair cut and styled. 

tag:diddlydoodles.co.uk,2013:Post/491069 2012-07-24T15:21:00Z 2013-10-08T17:06:37Z #50 Julieta gets caught in a magical breeze

Julieta was out playing in the garden when she was surprised to get caught in a magical breeze. Up and up she went high up into the sky. Julieta looked down to see her tiny play area and the world all around. She wondered where in the big wide world she was going to land.... she just hoped it would be a bouncy a trampoline or soft and squishy like a big pile of cushions!!!!!

tag:diddlydoodles.co.uk,2013:Post/491072 2012-07-19T15:08:00Z 2013-10-08T17:06:37Z #49 Ms Beaky throws an awesome party for all her friends!!!

It's Ms Beaky's birthday and she is throwing an awesome party for all her friends. Everyone is wearing party hats and enjoying thier favorite treats. Ms Beaky is wearing some flash new frilly pants that Mr Upty the giraffe brought her and a lovely butterfly necklace brought by Mr ChoChoo the Monkey. The mice are causing mischief running around and around until one of them spots the cheese..... and smiles!!!!!

tag:diddlydoodles.co.uk,2013:Post/491075 2012-07-06T22:54:00Z 2013-10-08T17:06:37Z #48 Even lions are scared of pink spiders!!

Jeremy the Lion is out walking minding his own business when Lisa the very pink spider jumped out of a nearby tree with a - "BOOOOOO!!!!!!!!" - Jeremy jumped with a great big "Agghhhrrr" - "Ha Ha Ha" said Lisa ... "see even big tough lions are scared of pink spiders!!!!" Jeremy was not impressed ... (Take a look at the print of this doodle on our Folksy page)

tag:diddlydoodles.co.uk,2013:Post/491078 2012-06-30T10:00:00Z 2013-10-08T17:06:37Z #47 Angel resting on a cloud

Freylo is a lovely angel who is quite tired and having a well earned rest on a cloud after a long day making wishes come true. She can't wait to get home and make a hot chocolate, put her feet up and watch some telly.....

tag:diddlydoodles.co.uk,2013:Post/491081 2012-06-26T10:00:00Z 2013-10-08T17:06:37Z #46 A man dressed as a french fry goes for a walk with his pet fish!!!!

This is Joe and he likes french fries dunked in ketchup so much that he thought he'd like to be one. He looks very hot in his suit and has very rosy cheeks. Joe's pet fish doesn't really know whats going on and just wants to go for a swim!!!!

tag:diddlydoodles.co.uk,2013:Post/491084 2012-06-25T10:00:00Z 2013-10-08T17:06:37Z #45 Out for a walk

A girl with big glasses and a tiny mouse are out for a walk, they are both on there way home. The girl lives in the big pink house the mouse lives next door. I'm not sure where the bird lives.

tag:diddlydoodles.co.uk,2013:Post/491089 2012-06-02T15:45:00Z 2013-10-08T17:06:37Z #44 A magician accidentally turns himself into a sausage and is chased by a pack of mischievous baked beans.

I started to draw a sausage but decided that it really needed arms and legs, then I thought if a sausage could walk around it must be MAGIC, so it must be a magician that had aciddentally turned himself into a sausage!!!!. I tried to make him look surprised and drew him a magic wand so he could turn himself back before somebody decides to eat him!!!!. The beans were just funny and go very well with sausages.

tag:diddlydoodles.co.uk,2013:Post/491092 2012-06-01T12:10:00Z 2013-10-08T17:06:37Z #43 Nana Jean & Grandad Bryan

I loved drawing this picture of my Nana and Grandad holding hands surrounded by flowers, its really cool and makes me feel happy.

tag:diddlydoodles.co.uk,2013:Post/491094 2012-05-29T11:00:00Z 2013-10-08T17:06:37Z #42 Toothy fish vs slimy brainy jellyfish

The big fish has really scary teeth and i'm not sure i'd like to have him in my bath. The brainy jelly fish looks like he's going to get munched but I'm sure he'll think of something to stop that toothy fish..... i'm not sure what but then i'm not as brainy as that jellyfish!!!... can you think of something?

tag:diddlydoodles.co.uk,2013:Post/491097 2012-05-20T17:44:00Z 2013-10-08T17:06:38Z #41 Wave splashing in the blue sea

This is a painting I did of the of a big wave crashing in the sea. I used loads of blue and white paint with a big brush to do the water then used the back of the brush to mix in splashes of white paint. It was very messy and loads of fun.

tag:diddlydoodles.co.uk,2013:Post/491047 2012-05-17T19:53:00Z 2013-10-08T17:06:37Z #40 Spin Painting No 2 (55cm Diameter)

I had looooads and looooads of fun making this spin paintings with Dad. We used so much paint and it splashed everywhere. I love all the bright colours, it looks like my paints exploded!!!!!!  If you want to see how I did this painting click here

tag:diddlydoodles.co.uk,2013:Post/491051 2012-05-15T17:00:00Z 2013-10-08T17:06:37Z #39 Flowers and leaves

Me and Mum and Dad made some printing blocks from my drawings and printed these flowers and leaves. We painted the paper first then printed leaves and lowers on top. We are going to cut them out and use them in a really huge picture i'm doing. 

tag:diddlydoodles.co.uk,2013:Post/491054 2012-05-13T19:55:00Z 2013-10-08T17:06:37Z #38 Lions and their cubs out for a wander

I think the lions and cubs are walking about looking for a drink and the shade of a nice tree to sit under and rest for a while. I was thinking I would join them but then Dad mentioned that they might be hungry so I decided not to draw myself.

tag:diddlydoodles.co.uk,2013:Post/491056 2012-05-10T08:30:00Z 2013-10-08T17:06:37Z #37 Mr Robot, cat and rabbit go out to play!!

This is Mr Robot and he's having fun playing outside with his best friends. I've done a really fantasticly cool print of Mr Robot that you can buy...... take a look at it here!!!

tag:diddlydoodles.co.uk,2013:Post/491059 2012-05-08T20:55:00Z 2013-10-08T17:06:37Z #36 Me and Mr Robot go for a walk on Planet Custard

Going out for a walk with Mr Robot was fun but planet custard was a bit gooey and sticky. It was very yellow but tasted very yummy in my tummy. I love custard!!!!!

tag:diddlydoodles.co.uk,2013:Post/491063 2012-05-06T20:48:00Z 2013-10-08T17:06:37Z #35 My Barbie's got red hair and red shoes!!!

I love red hair and red shoes they look really cool. Pink would have been even better but couldn't find my pink pencil....  

tag:diddlydoodles.co.uk,2013:Post/491066 2012-05-04T20:45:00Z 2013-10-08T17:06:37Z #34 Baby Poppy and baby bear walk in the park on a sunny day!!!

This is me as a baby going for a walk and holding hands with my baby bear. The nappy makes me really laugh.

tag:diddlydoodles.co.uk,2013:Post/491068 2012-04-22T20:46:00Z 2013-10-08T17:06:37Z #33 Spring rabbit

That rabbit looks like its having so much fun...... when is it my turn!!!!!!!!!!

tag:diddlydoodles.co.uk,2013:Post/491071 2012-04-22T20:36:00Z 2013-10-08T17:06:37Z #32 The beautiful Kate Bush singing in a field of birds and butterflies.

I love Kate Bush, I listen to her songs everynight before I go to sleep. When I grow up I want to be just like her, singing, dancing and having fun.

tag:diddlydoodles.co.uk,2013:Post/491074 2012-04-20T20:33:00Z 2013-10-08T17:06:37Z #31 Wonky girl with a giant chin.

tag:diddlydoodles.co.uk,2013:Post/491077 2012-04-17T17:59:00Z 2013-10-08T17:06:37Z #30 String painting

I dipped some super floppy string into paint and then either dropped it or layed it carefully on the paper. Dad told me one of the pictures is of a galaxy in space which is cool.
